Thursday 12 March 2020

Led Astray

It's this feeling of being lost that takes up space and holds the capability to kill us but by bit, each day. When you are unable to get a hold of your thoughts, and your mind wanders off, you find yourself in some truly dark places, like the bottom of the ocean, an abyss, if you may. And it's impossible to find a way out. Not because there isn't one, but because we don't believe in ourselves. This chain of negative thoughts pulls us down, tells us that any effort put to escape is going to be fruitless.
And thus, starts the endless chain of thoughts that kills us. First it rips you off of your self confidence. You stop caring, and it becomes impossible to think about things that matter. Your daily chores suffer, but you just label it as being lazy.
Next, it affects your peace. Unable to believe in yourself, you stop believing in others, or put too much trust in them. Either way, it breaks your heart, and leaves you feeling helpless.
And then comes loneliness. You think yourself to be a burden, and start cutting off people. You prefer to remain silent, sitting with your thoughts. Except, you have already lost the capability to think. You become numb. No thoughts running. But you can still feel the negativity radiating in your mind.
All of this, because you thought that holding onto the tiniest of details will make you a good observer, but forgetting that things need to be let go of, once in a while. That happiness is in small things, but sadness can take over so easily, with the tiniest of things that should have really been overlooked.
It's our thoughts that kill us. And ironically, it's only our thoughts that can save us too. Depends on you, whether you want to overthink, or over look. Whether you want to focus on the silver lining, or the dark cloud. 

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