Sunday 15 March 2015

Silence: A Bliss?


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"
- Martin Luther King Jr. 

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had?
Time brings about many situations in your life, of which you are utterly unsure. There’s an urge to stop for a moment and contemplate. Nevertheless you know you cannot stop. If you pause to think, it is going to cost you a precious moment.

To act upon the situation, you have to choose: to speak, or not to speak?

Point Of View <1>

Choosing your words is not easy. Well, so isn’t life. But we need to stride forward.

We often come across moments where some people expect us to be quiet and just listen. When this seems wrong to you, SPEAK. We have a right to express our views.

I am not giving anyone a suggestion to say a lie, or swear, or curse. But, if you are true, and you have a strong opinion, nothing should stop you from expressing yourselves.
Being silent while being tortured never lead anybody to anywhere other than death. Slow, painful death.

Raising your voice against crimes, putting forth suggestions and speaking for the benefit of masses is necessary. Silence is not an answer to a problem. You have to reason and solve.

Well, what about this: You did something wrong and now you feel guilty. Try Sharing. You are going to feel light-headed. Yes, your secret is out. No problem. Yes, maybe you are going to get punished. Well, isn’t that what you deserve, even if you did that mistake without thinking.  But now you wouldn’t have to live with a burden that would kill you piece by piece every passing moment.
Everybody has some thoughts, feelings and moments which they want to share, but are afraid to. These people affirm that they never found a listening ear. They have the fear of not being understood. Well, of course no one can understand you perfectly; two people never undergo the exact same situation. In such a moment, you just have to trust somebody. The burden of not sharing is far heavier than that of someone not understanding. And believe me; some people are going to try to understand. They need a chance, and a little time.
Being silent isn’t going to help you achieve big heights. Silence can be like a paper edge: seems harmless, but has the potential to leave deep, painful cuts.

Point Of View <2>

Sometimes, it is better to remain silent than to say something that hurts. With a wide variety of people living in this world, clash of opinions is bound to happen. We have a freedom to speak, but sometimes our words are not worth wasting.

Fighting over petty issues, wishing ill of someone or being pessimistic is a sheer waste of precious words.

Being silent doesn’t always depict weakness. Silence can be more powerful than a loud roar. 

We always come across people who are double-faced. One moment, they have a strong point for one thing, the other moment, they negate it. This situation arises, when people speak before they think. It’s always better to remain silent rather than to say something you do not mean.

Silence gives you a chance to observe and think. At the quietest time of your lives, you speak the loudest. You get a chance to imagine, to plan and find out that tiny speck of hope that can take you a long way.

Being silent provides you with opportunities to remain happy.

You will come across some times in your life, where you’ll find out that your silence is going to make someone's life. Why bring up a topic if it can cost somebody’s happiness?
It is never a good idea to reply with words you do not mean. Imagine this: an acquaintance of yours comes and humiliates you, and wants to pick up a fight for no reason. You’ll obviously want to reply and take revenge.  Be Silent. Trying to take revenge is going to make you like that person, and you certainly don’t want that.

I am not asking you to bear a crime. I ask you to think before you act.

Guys, you have to face these little challenges of life for a better and greater future. Sometimes, you are going to make wrong choices and regret them. But that shouldn’t stop you from moving ahead. You may not get second chances for the same thing, but you are going to get better chances.

Stay on the look-out and have a happy time deciding to remain silent or not for every single situation. 


  1. This is very deep. Psychiatrist shit to the deepest root.
    But I think this psychological topic is a little overrated. I sincerely want to read your opinion on something that truly moves you and out-roots deep-seated feelings; because that's when you'll be challenging your writing skills, fighting with your emotions to put the "it thing" out there.
    The article in itself is very well put.
    You're a writer in the making. Don't break the cycle. Don't stop.

    1. thank you Akanksha :")
      over-rated topics are often forgottten easily. All we need is qa fresh pint of view. so...
      next article coming up soon, hopefully. Finding an appropriate topic.
